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What Are The Signs Of Termites?

Termites are destructive household pests that can cause a lot of damage to our homes. This article is about the signs of termites and what you can do to identify them.

November 18, 2022
Written By:  
Thomas Harper
What Are The Signs Of Termites?

Termite infestation is frequently not noticed until serious harm has been done. Termites are tough to locate until it is too late because they reside in a dark, moist, and protected environment.

It might be challenging to spot a termite infestation since termites eat their way through the wood from the inside, but there are several signs that they are present.

Mud Tubes

The mud tubes running down your house's side resemble tiny veins. These tubes pop up from the ground and head for the exposed wood. To protect themselves from the dryness of the air, termites use mud tubes.

By cutting off a portion of the mud tube and looking for live termites, you can determine whether you have an active termite infestation if you discover mud tubes. If you are still looking for them, return later to see if the tube is fixed.

Even if the mud tube is not fixed and there are no indications of living termites, you are still unsafe. The termites may have relocated to a location on your property or home where they can easily access a food source.

Termite Droppings

Another indicator of termite activity is termite droppings, often known as "frass." To avoid buildup, termites eat down the wood, digest it, and push it out of the colony.

Drywood termite frass is wood-colored and pellet-shaped, with characteristics similar to wood dust or shavings. Conversely, subterranean termites build mud tunnels out of their feces.

Abrasions Under Wallpaper Or Paint

Termites dig under the surface of your walls, feasting on cardboard and wood paneling, to generate small pinholes known as escape holes and tunnels known as termite galleries.

Sometimes they do this without removing the thin layer of paint or wallpaper already present, making this kind of damage challenging to spot without first removing the paint or wallpaper. Because of this, termite damage is more frequently found during home repairs and renovations.

Tight Doors Or Difficult-To-Open Windows

Termites typically target areas like window and door frames because they are easy to access and have exposed wood. Your windows and door frames may warp as termites start to eat through the wood, making it challenging to open or close them correctly.

In addition to jammed windows or doors, termite damage can cause other structural issues with your house, like baseboards that are deteriorating or sagging floors and ceilings.

Sightings Of Flying Termites Or Abandoned Wings

Property owners frequently notice swarmers or alates as the first indication of an infestation. The remains of discarded wings on windowsills and floors are another typical sign. The similar and disembodied wings are unmistakable indicators of an indoor termite swarm, even if they can rapidly vanish after they've chosen their mate.

Final Thoughts

Termites can seriously and expensively destroy your property; thus, we should recognize warning signs of their presence. Termite damage can build over time since termite colonies take three to five years to grow.

Harper Pest Control can assist if your house needs termite protection. You can get help picking the best termite treatment option for your requirements from one of our licensed termite control professionals. Contact us now!

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Why Are Ants Coming In My House

Ants are one of the most common pests in residential and commercial properties. They can be found in many different places, including homes, yards, and even cars. Ants are often seen outside of your home because they like to forage for food. This is why they will sometimes come inside your home looking for food or water.

November 10, 2022
Written By:  
Thomas Harper
Why Are Ants Coming In My House

The unfortunate truth is that warmer weather often ushers in some unwanted house guests, such as ants, which may leave you wondering why ants enter the house in the first place. Even though ants are always a nuisance in the yard, they can become a major problem in the summer when we throw open the windows and doors to let in some fresh air, and they flood in by the thousands. The best strategy is to get rid of any food or water sources they might find appealing so they can't come back.

Why Do Ants Enter The House?

While ants benefit garden residents by recycling organic matter and aerating the soil for soil health, we don't want them having a party in our homes. Ants usually come into the house looking for food, and if you don't deal with them immediately, they may decide to stay. The simplest way to keep them out, especially in the summer, is to keep food sealed in containers and to clean up spills immediately on countertops and floors. Even the smallest crumbs will tempt them, so good housekeeping and cleaning tips are essential.

Why Did Ants Appear In The House?

Ants may appear unexpectedly in the home, searching for food, water, or shelter.

Source of Water

Water is essential for the survival of any colony. An ant's thirst can be quenched for a long time by even a small pool of water. The colony will want to stay close to your kitchen if the water source is reliable.

Make sure to clean up any water spills as soon as possible. Check common high-moisture areas such as underneath sinks, refrigerators, windows, and doors regularly to ensure you are not providing an oasis for these pesky invaders.


Ants forage for food during the spring and summer, sending out search parties to scavenge for whatever they can find. They prefer sugary foods, and we've all had the experience of enjoying a picnic outside, only to turn around and find the little critters feasting on food left on unattended plates.


Several studies have found a link between ant infestations and weather. Infestations appear more common during periods of heavy rainfall or dry, hot, drought-like conditions. The most likely explanation is that they either avoid cold, wet weather or have discovered a water source in their home during dry, hotter periods.

What Drives Ants In Your House?

Ants are drawn to sugary foods and spills, but any food remnants left in a kitchen or elsewhere can entice them. Even if windows and doors aren't left open, ants can get in through small holes and cracks in masonry or woodwork, so keeping your home clean is the best preventative measure.

They may be drawn to more than just our food; pet food left in bowls may still provide them with some nutrition, so clean out pet bowls and keep the surrounding area brushed and mopped.

If you have an ant problem or any other type of pest problem on your property, give Harper Pest Control a call.

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How Dangerous Are Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are not dangerous for people to carry around. bedbugs can affect an individual's quality of life, causing distress, discomfort, embarrassment, and broken sleep

October 28, 2022
Written By:  
Thomas Harper
How Dangerous Are Bed Bugs

Researchers are paying more attention to the risks these blood-eating bugs may pose when they infest residential houses due to the alarming rise in bed bug infestations throughout the nation. The risk may take many different forms. Bugs may chew away at timber support systems in houses, damage interior paint, and wallpaper, eat holes in clothes, discolor drapes, and harm furniture when they get inside. Some bugs bring dangerous germs to food storage rooms and kitchen worktops from garbage and septic regions. Some insects are hazardous to human health because they carry venom. Others have a direct connection to the transmission of illnesses.

Which Health Hazards Are Posed By Bed Bugs?

Each individual is affected by a bed bug bite differently. A harsh response may take many forms, from no outward physical evidence of the bite to a little bite mark to a severe allergic reaction. Although an intense allergic response to numerous bites from bed bugs may need medical treatment, bed bugs are not considered hazardous.

Who Is Susceptible To Contracting Bed Bugs?

When visiting an area with bed bugs, everyone is susceptible to contracting them. However, there is a larger danger of getting bitten and/or helping to spread a bed bug infestation for anybody who travels often and shares living and sleeping spaces with those who have previously been there.

Do Bed Bugs Transmit Illness?

There is no proof that bed bugs spread disease. Because they may cause itching and disrupt sleep, bed bugs may be a nuisance. Sometimes excessive scratching brought on by the itching increases the risk of developing a subsequent skin infection.

How May Bed Bugs Be Cured And Avoided?

Most of the time, bed bug bites don't represent a substantial health risk. Avoiding scratching the bite site, using antiseptic creams or lotions, and taking an antihistamine are the best treatments for bites. Insecticide spraying is a frequent treatment for bed bug infestations. If you suspect a bed bug infestation, speak with your landlord or a qualified pest control company with experience treating bed bugs. The most accessible approach to avoid bed bugs is to check for indications of an infestation.

What Causes Bed Bugs

Due to bedbugs' adaptability, an infestation can happen in various ways.

When furniture, bedding, and other belongings are moved into a new house, they might sneak in as stowaways. When buying secondhand furniture, people should use caution and never purchase used mattresses. Bedbugs or their excrement should be visible and detectable with a careful visual inspection.

Bedbugs can be present in houses that are empty and appear to be clean. Without any food, they can live for more than two months. It's also thought that they can travel between apartments using cracks and holes in the walls and the tubes that wires and pipes run through.

Need Help With Bed Bugs?

Harper Pest Control is here for you if you have a severe infestation or are just beginning to notice bed insect symptoms. We are dedicated to delivering high-quality and the best service possible.

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A Review Of Harper Pest Control

Marie R.

5 Star Review for Harper Pest Control

We've been looking for a pest control company to get our pests under control and have been very happy with this company. Thomas was very responsive and came to our home and walked the property with me so I could tell him areas to focus on. I've noticed a big improvement already! Thank you Thomas and crew!

If you have a pest problem, I highly recommend calling Harper Pest Control.

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